tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers package


tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers.rotosolve module

tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers.rotosolve.extrapolate_expval(theta, m_0, m_minus, m_plus, phi=0.0)

Extrapolates the expectation value of an observable M with respect to a single parameterized rotation (i.e. RX, RY, RZ) with angle theta. The extrapolation uses samples taken at the angles phi, phi+pi/2, and phi-pi/2. This function uses the formula in Appendix A from arXiv:1905.09692, by Mateusz Ostaszewski et al.

  • theta (float) – Gate rotation angle to extrapolate to

  • m_0 (float) – Expectation value of M mat angle phi

  • m_minus (float) – Expectation value of M mat angle phi - pi/2

  • m_plus (float) – Expectation value of M mat angle phi + pi/2

  • phi (float, optional) – Angle of phi. Defaults to 0.0


float – The expectation value of M estimated for theta.

tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers.rotosolve.rotoselect(func, var_params, var_rot_axes, *func_args, ftol=1e-05, maxiter=100)
Optimization procedure for parameterized quantum circuits whose

objective function varies sinusoidally with the parameters. This routine differs from rotosolve by sampling expectation values using the Pauli {X,Y,Z} generators instead of shifted angles of rotation. Based on the work by arXiv:1905.09692, Mateusz Ostaszewski.

  • func (function handle) – The function that performs energy estimation. This function takes variational parameters and parameter rotation axes (list of “RX”, “RY”, “RZ” strings) as input and returns a float.

  • var_params (list) – The variational parameters.

  • var_rot_axes (list) – List of strings (“RX”, “RY”, or “RZ”) corresonding to the axis of rotation for each angle in the list of variational parameters.

  • ftol (float) – Convergence threshold.

  • maxiter (int) – The maximum number of iterations.

  • *func_args (tuple) – Optional arguments to pass to func.

  • float – The optimal energy found by the optimizer.

  • list of floats – Optimal parameters.

  • list of strings – Optimal rotation axes.

tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers.rotosolve.rotoselect_step(func, var_params, var_rot_axes, i, *func_args)

Gradient free optimization step using specific points to characterize objective function w.r.t to parameterized rotation axes and rotation angles. Based on formulas in arXiv:1905.09692, Mateusz Ostaszewski

func (function handle): The function that performs energy

estimation. This function takes variational parameters and parameter rotation axes (list of “RX”, “RY”, “RZ” strings) as input and returns a float.

var_params (list of float): The variational parameters. var_rot_axes (list): List of strings (“RX”, “RY”, or “RZ”)

corresonding to the axis of rotation for each angle in the list of variational parameters.

i (int): Index of the variational parameter to update. *func_args (tuple): Optional arguments to pass to func.


list of floats: Optimal parameters list of strs: Optimal rotation axes

tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers.rotosolve.rotosolve(func, var_params, *func_args, ftol=1e-05, maxiter=100, extrapolate=False)
Optimization procedure for parameterized quantum circuits whose

objective function varies sinusoidally with the parameters. Based on the work by arXiv:1905.09692, Mateusz Ostaszewski.

  • func (function handle) – The function that performs energy estimation. This function takes variational parameters as input and returns a float.

  • var_params (list) – The variational parameters.

  • ftol (float) – Convergence threshold.

  • maxiter (int) – The maximum number of iterations.

  • *func_args (tuple) – Optional arguments to pass to func.

  • extrapolate (bool) – If True, the expectation value of func extrapolated from previous calls to rotosolve_step() will be used instead of a function evaluation. This requires only two function evaluations per parameter per iteration, but may be less stable on noisy devices. If False, three evaluations are used per parameter per iteration.

  • float – The optimal energy found by the optimizer.

  • list of floats – Optimal parameters.

tangelo.toolboxes.optimizers.rotosolve.rotosolve_step(func, var_params, i, *func_args, phi=0.0, m_phi=None)

Gradient free optimization step using specific points to characterize objective function w.r.t to parameter values. Based on formulas in arXiv:1905.09692, Mateusz Ostaszewski

func (function handle): The function that performs energy

estimation. This function takes variational params as input and returns a float.

var_params (list of float): The variational parameters. i (int): Index of the variational parameter to update. *func_args (tuple): Optional arguments to pass to func. phi (float): Optional angle phi for extrapolation (default is 0.0). m_phi (float): Optional estimated value of m_phi


list of floats: Optimal parameters float: Estimated optimal value of func

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